Your Fertility Program is NOW AVAILABLE!

yourfertilityprogrambookcovers2I am so happy to announce that my long-awaited book, Your Fertility Program was published today. The book is available in epub and paperback at both Book Shop Santa Cruz and on Amazon. It feels so good to present this book as it contains key pieces of information needed by so many people to plan for conception.

It provides answers to the questions I get asked everyday in my Santa Cruz women’s health-based clinic:

“I have thyroid disease, can I get pregnant?
Am I too old to conceive?
How do I know if I’m ovulating?
What blood tests do I need?
How should I eat?
What can I do to avoid another miscarriage?”, etc.

Also, it includes a chapter for men! Yes, you too guys. It does take two, after all.

The perfect complement to acupuncture and Oriental medicine care, this fertility enhancement tool will help you understand your fertility potential from both Eastern and Western points of view. Chocked full of the latest Western Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), analysis of international acupuncture and Oriental medicine research studies as well as delicious sugar-free recipes, this book is a practical, easy to use guide to achieving a higher level of self awareness to build your family from a healthier, empowered stance.

So what are you waiting for?    Buy your copy today!